Linux - on wii



New Member
None of them do much on a console, similar to the PS2 one.

The only time they are useful is if you have a HD to store it on and it is used as an actual OS like on the PS3 because then you can actually do stuff with it.


New Member
well i don't see any point on linux on the wii... i've already got it on my laptop... but my desktop is going to be vista when i get the time to upgrade it


New Member
If you get Vista get Vista Ultimate, I have been using it for a few months now and is great. The dreamscenes on Ultimate are really nice.

Why buy it pre-loaded, just install it yourself, it is so easy, just like installing any OS


New Member
I have tried linux on my xbox and i could use firefox, usb keyboard some word like program and something like paint. But i have also tried win ce on it (couldn't do anything). With linux on a xbox you can use it exactly like a linux computer. That's what wiili want's to. But the biggest step they are trying to make is hack the wii so it supports homebrew.

killtheoldway said:
yeh but some people have had problems with drivers and stuff my friends have so i was just warning them, i only have vista home premium.

Vista is shit. Use XP or Linux