looking for clan


New Member
IGN: FooFighter-
KDR: 1.68 (recently got a kdr reset, it was 1.33 before)
Rank: CSM3
Xfire: beredu
Best Weapon: Scar or L96A1 (tact snipe ftw)
Best Maps: Snow Valley and Sand Hog
Favorite Mode: CTF (with good teamwork)

I am looking for a clan that using Ventrilo, and possibly xfire for communication needs outside of CA. I am looking for a very active clan that does more pubbing then clan wars. I have a mic and Ventrilo/TS. Dispite my age (15), I am mature and looking for a mature clan. I am from California (PST) and am usually on late.

Feel free to add me in game and/or on xfire. Thank you.

Jordan B

Active Member
Ok , Do you mind representing New Zealand ? I like the Foo Fighters aswell, so you can join if you want.

Leader ID = Jordanga

EDIT - We don't clan war much, bit if you're on and we want you, you better come quickly :p

We haven't set up Vent yet either, I need to consult illspirit about that still .

Oh and EDIT No . 2 - We have 19/20 members , so if you wanna join, then join :D

Jordan B

Active Member
Thanks dude, I really appreciate it.

You were right , btw, the sound quality on Vent is insane. Shudda used it earlier.

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