MAC-10 or IMI UZI?



New Member
I bought the uzi and I enjoyed it after getting used to it. The mac-10 I haven't used as much, but they kind of both feel the same to me.


New Member
MP-5 gives people health when you shoot them [when you have a silencer on it]. Possibly one of the hardest guns to get kills with.

The MAC-10 is awesome with an extended mag. I love running it and bulletwerfing. But for the most part, if I want a spray and pray I use the K-7. Another one of those guns that almost no one ever uses unfortunately.


New Member
Out of them two, I'd still prefer UMP, but I don't like SMGs anyway.
... I am with you Roger... SMG's are (To me anyway) not very effective for my style of playing. However, if you look at the top 10% of Ranked players... the majority carry an UMP....