soory if this off topic but squishy u are on ur way to becomeing a good skinner like madman thats where i started now im jus to lazy to do it unless i have to.
danm!!!!!!!!! i can't seem to sharpen his weopon, because everytime i try to alpha out just that part, the whole skin won't show up it's pretty gay. Im sorry but i can't do this one, if you have anyother tasks i'll work on them instead.
its ok i tried making one like that and it looked like he stuffed stuffed bunny rabbits on each side lol how about making a undead blade master ya that would look cool with like his ribs showin at the sides and stuff oooh and a chunkn of his skull missing so you can see his brain
hehe i like it but i dont think i need any more skins for a while (not that i needed them in ther first place just wanted) because i installed ps today yey!!
could you try make an undead death knight into a human death knight but his got like bloodelf kind of armour and a sword thats like 1 in 2 (i tried to make this skin but it just fully sucked)
as for the sword i mean have it go somethin like this
though could you make it sort of more sharp looking around the edges?
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