Mario with Guns??



That idea is insane....just....why? Sure it would be funny but it would ruin Mario and I don't see why adults can't just play Mario games without guns and violence. Thankfully Nintendo would NEVER agree to it.


Those fun ideas will never be promoted...They have no fun. Big companies, with their legends won't give gamers any pleasure and do what they request.


It shouldn't happen.

I mean, look at the failure that was Shadow The Hedgehog!

Ah hell, Sonic was ruined forever, because of damn 4Kids.

Now this is being made by Suda51?

Ah yeah! Now we're talking!
Mario has been a super star (no pun intended) franchise for decades now. Guns wouldn't make it better. What they would do would make it an entirely different game and kill Mario's charm. There are literally dozens of shooters. Mario doesn't need to be one.
Mario has been a top tier franchise for decades now without guns. Guns wouldn't make it better, it would make it an entirely different game. There are literally dozens of shooting games out there. Leave Mario as it is.
Having guns would totally destroy the image of mario. It's best they leave Mario just as the character is.

Besides, don't we have enough guns flying around with the 3rd and 1st person games as is?


New Member
If something like this were to happen it would be pretty funny. They should giving Mario a huge gun that shoots red shells or bombs. For Luigi we could give him a small pee shooter that shoots out green fireballs. Mario has to have the big guns since hes the main character.


Godfather Mario.

He won't get Nintendo's permission to use their character...That won't stop him from making an Italian lead with a mustache, shoot up mutant turtles..


New Member
It would be even more funnier if they actually gave Mario his own mafia. He would be the Godfather of some sort of Coopa army. It sounds like a great idea for a game, but I don't think would be very popular considered most Mario fans would despise it.


New Member
I kind of want to see it. It could be fun. But it's extremely unlikely that they would do anything so radically different with a beloved character like Mario.

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