Maximizing your FPS in Counterstrike


New Member
i tried puppets settings and got around 40 fps standing and 20 running...maybe 1/2 fps in smoke. not so good.

then tried out divine wind's settings, got the fps back up to around 70 standing and 60-45 running...smoke...fah git aboot et

so wtf guys? lol

i was getting better fps with how i had it but i don't remember what the settings that i was using were. i've got a radeon 7000(yes shitty i know...)

any ideas?


New Member
If you didn't change anything b4 Psychonaut, then they were just default settings. I'm not sure as to what these are because mines all changed. But I'm sure you can either find it on the net or some nice forum member can post them for ya =)