Lets pass some ideas back and forth guys....
I have an 2.0g Asus mohter board and I HAD 512m memory.
I recently (yesterday) upgraded to 2g memory and Now I am running 100 FPS stead compared to my 30 steady with jumps to 50-70...
Memory really does affect your machine and performance.
I am not saying go out and get 2 gigs.... But next time you get a chance.. Launch your game... (WOW/CZ/CS/CSS) and conenct to the server your normally do... Select a team play a few rounds... when you DIE.. ALT+TAB (DONT CLOSE THE GAME OUT)
Go to the taskbar and right click in an empty space and bring up task mamanger... (Yes there are numerous ways to bring this up ... I know..)
Under the performance tab... Look at ytour memory in the bottom right corner...Look at the Physicial Memory and Kernel Memory...
If the kernel memory is over the physical memory... you have a LARGE problem...
Your computer is now having to write things to disk, isntead of leaving them in memory... All this disk writting is realyl slowing you and your game(s) down...
If you have 512.. I would think of adding another 512....
I have an 2.0g Asus mohter board and I HAD 512m memory.
I recently (yesterday) upgraded to 2g memory and Now I am running 100 FPS stead compared to my 30 steady with jumps to 50-70...
Memory really does affect your machine and performance.
I am not saying go out and get 2 gigs.... But next time you get a chance.. Launch your game... (WOW/CZ/CS/CSS) and conenct to the server your normally do... Select a team play a few rounds... when you DIE.. ALT+TAB (DONT CLOSE THE GAME OUT)
Go to the taskbar and right click in an empty space and bring up task mamanger... (Yes there are numerous ways to bring this up ... I know..)
Under the performance tab... Look at ytour memory in the bottom right corner...Look at the Physicial Memory and Kernel Memory...
If the kernel memory is over the physical memory... you have a LARGE problem...
Your computer is now having to write things to disk, isntead of leaving them in memory... All this disk writting is realyl slowing you and your game(s) down...
If you have 512.. I would think of adding another 512....