Metamorphes help


New Member
I made an ability metamorphes for units. What im trying to do is ... when a footman uses metamorphes .. it changes him into a rat. The problem is when he uses it... the unit stays as a footman but the attack is not their for the unit and it isnt a rat model... (btw im using the slk editor for roc)

King Darkmoor

New Member
Are you basing it off the demon hunter's metamorphosis? If you are make sure that the original unit is set the the footman and the morphed unit is your rat.


New Member
Yea its based on demon hunter... but it last forever and i put a spellbook so it can transform into different unit not just 1..

King Darkmoor

New Member
Hmm. I was having a similar problem not too long ago; make sure that both the footman and the rat are heroes. It doesn't work if it is changing from a hero to a regular unit, and vice versa.


New Member
Umm its changing from a unit to a unit does this matter..... bear form would just have a lot of icon when u change.

Take the Druid of the Claw and edit it to be your footman.

Take DotC in Bear Form and edit it to be your rat.

Finally, change the ability icon, mana cost, name, and tooltips as needed.

That's the surefire way for it to work. It'll take a bit of time possibly, but just imagine that other methods mght not work and that would of been useless time.


New Member
how u make bear form cant turn back to normal though? I think this can cause multiple icons that are same to turn back to normal in the spell book


New Member
Well you could remove the ability via triggers when the unit uses it couldn't you?
And then in a x number of seconds ( When Metamorphosis elapses ) give the ability to the unit again?


New Member
how u make bear form cant turn back to normal though? I think this can cause multiple icons that are same to turn back to normal in the spell book

Use the destroyer form spell, and lower the gold and lumber cost. I think you can also make it cost mana, too, I'm not sure :/


New Member
Hmm i still get a bug when they just turn into the same unit without magics... I have a question.. for normal form unit what do i put? My units can be anythin and just change into a unit..


New Member
I know the Answer!!! :)
Use Bear Form for units and metamorph/robogoblin for Heroes.
Both units must have the ability! or else the unit looks the same and gains the attack of what its morphing into.
I had the same problem till I realised that the unit that my guy morphed into didnt hav the spell.


New Member
I see what he wants, he wants any unit to be able to turn into the rat or whatever other morphes hes got. Ok this'll be real easy. Just give me a sec to do it in WE.