New Member
Ok, it is done.
Ok, now just change the spells in the spell book to modified Summon Water Elemental. I know this works cos my sniper has two morphs, one into a demon bird and one into a yowie/gilli suit form. The demon bird form is a copy of maive's morph and the yowie/gilli suit form uses the water elemental trick.
Morph to Other
????????Unit - A unit Spawns a summoned unit
????????(Unit-type of (Summoned unit)) Equal to Rat
????????If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
????????????If - Conditions
????????????????((Summoning unit) is in (Units currently selected by Player 1 (Red))) Equal to True
????????????Then - Actions
????????????????Selection - Remove (Summoning unit) from selection
????????????????Selection - Add (Summoned unit) to selection
????????????Else - Actions
????????????????Do nothing
????????Unit - Remove (Summoning unit) from the game