Metroid Prime 3 Corruption channel


US only at the mo...

Get some metroid prime free videos via the shopping channel. There are two to watch and two on the way. But be quick they're free for a limited time only!

If your like me and in the uk check out the Video here.


New Member
Well, it's only a few weeks for MP3 to be out in the US so hyping it up with this new Channel makes sense.

However, releasing it at the same time with the UK doesn't make sense since hyping up a game with an October date is pointless - maybe in 2 months we'll get the Channel.


New Member
supersujay said:
wait there are vids on the wii shop channel right now and they free cool i am going to watch them do they have some for ssbb?

Of course not. ¬_¬
And the videos are poor quality streaming vids. Tut tut Nintendo. -_-


New Member
Squiddy said:
And the videos are poor quality streaming vids. Tut tut Nintendo. -_-

Awwww... I thought it was something like Steam, with high quality and mega-hyper-super-duper-ultra-high-resolution-of-doom trailers and whatnot :(

EDIT: 100th post, yay! Cake for everybody!

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