Metroid Prime 3 - WiiPros Official Thread


New Member
YoungRick said:
metroid prime 3 is pretty hard.i am now borrwing it from a friend and only play twice a week, and after a while of losing track of what i was doing i stoped playing

thats cause you suck at those games.... i doubt you can get stuck since the map tells you what room to go to...

don't worry ricky is my cousin

kevin 09

New Member
ohh i didnt noe my bad.....
but didn't you said you barrowed the game... which meant that you had it at one points... you ur the dumb dumb


New Member
Mertoid prime series aren't that hard to complete, but you definitely need help to get 100%. I never got it in the first one, just 81% =/

They are pretty long too. The whole game is fun though. I just started playing MP3 and I still have a long way to go.