OOO I would definatly be in if I lived closer I love to knock around some heads! All you got to do is bring a bat and kick them all in the nuts let me tell ya if that doesn't work then you should be worried.


New Member
eggs said:
RaNcid said:
eggs said:
RaNcid said:
got jumped by 6 guys... really it was just 1 huge guy doing the punching, 1 huge guy standing with his arms crossed smirking, 1 extra guy, and 3 thug whoa'de skinny white guys talking shit...
We have a hand full of punks. Maybe 7? .... we are out numbered 100 to 1.

the numbers in your post dont add up..
k so first your boys get jumped by 6 guys... thats fine ...
then you say there is a hand full of punks.. 7 thats fine too
understandable bout standard issue for redneck hicks that like to get drunk..
every town has them.. its just how well they do the beating if the word about them has spread or not...
but then you say you are out numbered 100 to 1 .. stop there
where did the other 93 come from ?
rednecks are everywhere
im sorry you got some bullys and if i could help i would
just be numerically correct :)

the 100 to 1 was including the hypothetical(sp) guess of the population in jeff city, not the jump. the fight thing was 2 vs 6. butthole.

did u read what i put at the end ? please no name calling.
i said "im sorry you got some bullys and if i could help i would"
kthxnp. eggs dont like to get cracked

oh yeah i know, i wasn't being an ass, that was a playful "butthole"