Where is this deal at anyways? Like where are you getting it from? I'm gettin a job real soon hopefully. I have to turn in a bunch of applications and I have so much going on now, and I rather just pay for one out right but the payments would also seem to build on credit score which would be good at just $15 a week because its not much and if you pay on time it looks good and starts out life on your own with a good credit score is even better.
Memory still hasn't gotten here yetI'm hoping for tomorrow.. the 7th day (4-7 day delivery >_<)
With all that, game should load alot faster. But just think about what there will be in the future. Like computers can be implanted into us and games will start to load before we even get to the computer (no implated one) because they can sense our thoughts and know that were about to play. LOL. I really dont have a clue what will be out, but just imagine what it'll be like for your kids or grandkids if you have kids already.