Can we make a topic there everybody says som names? Coz this is just getting annoying. And we need more then 1 time to vote. Maybe 2-3 times so the last time its 1 vs 1, if u know what I meen. We need a seriusly name and not a name who someone made coz they like it and nobody other liked it.
So, can we make a new topic about this witch NOT is a poll. So we can say what we like. Then we are putting all up in a vote. And we cant vote for urself. After the first vote we take another vote of the 3-4 best clannames. And then another one of the 2 best. Like that we will get a clanname witch is good and everybody agree with. I really want this to be a seariusly clan and not just a peace of ppl who have a name and play together.