new game


New Member
yea i just posted this somewhere else, but my dad bought it and its tight.
playes real smooth, good coding and hitboxes. i dont know wtf fear is, but
recommend cod2 highly.


New Member
multiplayer is good..... i'm sure i'll he playing it a lot. I'm kinda thinking that COD2 multiplayer is better than DOD:S.I love the little historic video clips in between the missions.

Lol i was going to try to play last night and for some reason my 'fire' button (mouse1) was the 'talk' button..i was fucked and i felt sooo stupid too. But yeah it's fun. I got my face pwnd tho.

First game i ever played was COD multiplayer deathmatch, and this to me is nothing like it. but it's fun...get and try it out is the only thing that i can say :p


New Member
FEAR was a very amazing game! bit monotonous in the middle, but awesome battles and ai that makes up for it more than enough

BF2 and the expansion pack are great also.


New Member
its hard to compare to bf2, or any of the battlefields. i remember playing
1942 and being all nostalgic and shit, and then they mod'd it into EOD-
Eve of Destruction-Endo-China Conflict or something with helicopters and
jets and i was like "WTF, TOO SWEET". i had some dude shouting radio
commands in vietnamese and shit and had goose bumps on my neck.
dont think anygame will do that again...

cod2 is good online, only thing i have noticed is some small maps. but that
may be bc im used to bf and cs, there are a lot of places to hide so it kind
of makes up for the smallness. some dudes last nite were w/o walls....
"un1td" was their tag so watch out for them.