New Graphic engine for Wii!!



New Member
1supersam said:
wii graphics are already exellent!!!!:big_boss:

But its not close to being comparable witht he Xbox 360 or the PS3. Wii graphics are good, but as good as it's competitors. Nintendo has always been one step behind when it comes to graphics.
kevmaster said:
medal of honor: heroes 2 has awesome graphics and awesome online and awesome controls. AND NO FRIEND CODES!!!WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!
little off topic there kevmaster:p not awesome grapics in my opinion,rather more ok grapics ;) anyway games starts to look better and better , the developers have started to put some effords on grapics wich im glad they do.


New Member
Rasande Bävern said:
It is well known that the majority of third party games for Wii gently said looks like crap. But know we maybe will see a change. Emergent Game Technologies, the company who created the game enging for Oblivion and who also works with the engine for the forthcoming Fallout 3, says that they now are working on a game engine for wii. The Engine will not only showing good looking grapics but also make it easier for the game developers to create funktions that before took to long to do.

Maybe we soon will see a game in the same class as Oblivion :D

That would b freakin awesom mayb then they'll try to transfer a huge wide known series over to the wii


New Member
I think Nintendo need to start selling their engines for games.

Imagine using the Super Mario 28 engine (the one that Galaxy uses) for a new third-party platformer, and the Sora engine (Brawl uses that) for a brand new fighting game.

That'd be cool.
Squiddy said:
I think Nintendo need to start selling their engines for games.

Imagine using the Super Mario 28 engine (the one that Galaxy uses) for a new third-party platformer, and the Sora engine (Brawl uses that) for a brand new fighting game.

That'd be cool.
I agree totally with you Squiddy, Nintendo must start putting some effords to help the third part game developers.


New Member
its true, without third party games the wii might run into problems, most of the games atm are made by nintendo, we really need some QUALITY third party games, ie not games like that carnival game lol