New Ideas For Melee Weapons or weird melee weps..


some more weapon ideas
keyboard,rake,quarter-staff,electric line,teeth(you bite them equips by removing melee weapons),dirty diaper on a stick(has poison effects when u poke em),a broom on fire, and a pair of scissors


New Member
i dont know if this thread already if it does...i ask the MODS to close it...thnks...

well the title says it all...we now have a lot of melle wep as in the shop as in the black you have a melee wep u wanna see..?

personally... i'd like to see the AXE...or some kind of crash down dudes.... you know (O_#)
'weird weps' what do you think...if we have the sickle...why not?

well we have a tomahawk now so thats kinda an axe-hammer hybrid


New Member
I really think they need to add Bows now..Meleeing people is fun, but shooting from range is best IMO. Having options of bows/ crossbows would be GREAT!


I think that combat bows are actually a pretty good idea. You can hit people a-la rambo. Hey if it worked for Rambo it works for me =P


New Member
I don't think we should make CA something that it is not. No crossbows. Besides, this thread is about melee weapons.

Jordan B

Active Member
terrible idea, it would be horribly imbalanced! A good melee weapon should have equal chance of hitting your target regardless of that character's ethnicity

I lol'ed . You're definetly not 12 . xD

I don't support racism in anyway, but you gotta love Rodney King .

If anyone here has played SoF 2 (Soldier of Fortune 2) , you have 8 little knives to throw, and the last one becomes your melee weapon and you can't throw it.

It might work in Combat arms , i'm not sure .