new server!


New Member
lol notice hes in his with all the whining he did i though that he was younger...forgot about that


New Member
Way to go off topic guys. haha....

As for you Mr. Moneybags...I know for sure we have given you a very hard time. However I do feel I have always shown you respect. If you read my first post in this thread I think I respectfully asked you not to advertise your server and mostly I was annoyed because you didn't ask permission. I stated it was rude of you to do that. You should simply have said "sorry" and requested that you make a thread about your server. I would have allowed that.

100% we have given you a hard time here and maybe that's not right but this is a game and our goal is a good time. Often you were not part of that good time. Recently however I think you finally got it. I think you would switch teams and playing to the objective was something you were finally doing. I was actually starting to like you even. Oh much for all that.

And as others have pointed out here. This is your doing. When you were in server spamming your IP you were not playing as MONEYBAGS. If you had I would either tempban you (5 mins) or simply told you not to spam my server. have a nice day and go enjoy your new server. I hold no ill-will toward you. My day is not obssesed with all the people I ban.


New Member
omni, i noticed on other servers they put as a rule--no advertising of other clans/servers--on the MOTD thingee. just a thought.

neighborhood sort


New Member
The rules are getting lengthy as it is. It should be common sense not to advertise another server. I don't know of any servers that let you spam an IP and an ADMIN is ok with it.


New Member
Haha take me seriously… I'm not .. I'm just tired of being made an example of because of the tag I wear.. apparently I drew a line in the sand .. and now I'm crossing it.. its easy for everyone out there to say that im an asshole.. what I said was a dick head move, I realize that .. but im sure you would be bitter too if you got treated differently because of what clan your in..


New Member
shit i have been in punx when the server was lagging out and everyone is like come to the lo3 server ! i dont see them getting banned.....

move on.. ill be back :lol:


New Member
shit we all know that .. thats not my point.. im just saying if it were anyone else they wouldnt have been banned instanly like i was...