New wii control (SNES style)


New Member
Jesusdragon737 said:
Gdog said:
lu1g1 said:
cloudzero45 said:
i don't think you guys quite understand... the picture above in the article is not the actual exculsive SNES controllers...

the wii controller that the nintendo members get is special and custom made for the wii... but its still a mystery of what it looks like... its in the shape of a SNES controller... but there is more that we don't know
and its exculsive... theres only like 1000 made... so it would be rare to get one

ahhh ok....
yeah if it was the same shape as the snes controller only pure white with blue lights that would rock my world :p
anyone know how much they will cost?
they will sell really fast

Yeah, that was what I was thinking. If only they were Wii colors....They would simply be perfect. And I'm sure you could get one off ebay, so you don't have to worry about backorder...

You guys are talking about getting them off Ebay. Hahahaha. Do you know how much those would cost? lol. They would probably be around $500-$1000! There are some really big SNES fans out there. Also, people have programs set up to buy an item at the last 1/2 second of the auction. If anyone on Wiipros gets one of

And that's why I'm using Play-Asia. They have an N64 DD (Dynamic Drive) boxed preowned for £179/$400 there. :)


New Member
i think they would cost more than 1000$... exculsive edition wii SNES controllers...
ahhh ok....
yeah if it was the same shape as the snes controller only pure white with blue lights that would rock my world
anyone know how much they will cost?
they will sell really fast
I like the blue lights idea.... but there are a few rumors that are out now....
1) wireless
2)Build-in speaker
3) a build-in memory to store channels
4) custom back-facebplate
5)something to do with macros
6) all white-white coloring (kinda obivious)
7) craved in wii-code (i think this one is a lie)
8) 2 extra sideways triggers on the back ( must be for "C" and "Z" buttons)
9) only 7000 made ( I don't think that number is correct either....should be more)
10) a rumble

those are all the rumor that could be considered true ... even though i don't believe in most of them


New Member
kevmaster said:
Theres already a thread like this

There was a thread talking about how you can use an adaptor so you can use an original SNES/NES controller, but this thread is about the new special edition Wii SNES controller.


New Member
Jesusdragon737 said:
kevmaster said:
Theres already a thread like this

There was a thread talking about how you can use an adaptor so you can use an original SNES/NES controller, but this thread is about the new special edition Wii SNES controller.

No, there is a thread on this also


New Member
kevmaster said:
Jesusdragon737 said:
kevmaster said:
Theres already a thread like this

There was a thread talking about how you can use an adaptor so you can use an original SNES/NES controller, but this thread is about the new special edition Wii SNES controller.

No, there is a thread on this also

well give me a link of this thread cause i didn't find any other thread of a special exclusive SNES controller... beside this article came out 3 days ago so there can't be an thread about this



For $30 you can pre-order the controller from here or here


And the soundtrack for $33 can be pre-order from here or here


New Member
I told you I told you I told you etc.

I don't trust the first site at all. For £15-20 it's OK but screw it, I've got email notificiation when the SNES Controller comes in stock on Play-Asia. I've become a sort of rare item collector in gaming now. ^_^

By the way, do you know how easy playing SNES (and possibly NES given the buttons) games on the VC will be with this? :D