Squiddy said:
Ryano said:
Squiddy said:
supersujay said:
i think they r making something for foot moiton on the wii and i would had more memory and u can play music when u do anything on the wii
Don't you mean the Balance Board?
Because if you're not, you're talking crap.
He's talking crap...
No surprise there then... ☆_☆™
[size=xx-large]I am writing....

Let me add some crap to crap...Noooooooooooo!! I would use another word...let me refrase it...
let me add some wishes to the wishes or "fantasies" of what the next wii would be...
For me apart from the usual Dvd playing and recording..Blue ray technology implemented...High Definition as standard megagraphics capabilities...Foot motioning and sensoring...Head gear and virtual reality...
it would have a Skin sensorioal bodysuit..with wich we would play "Games" with girls and boys..... "ouch that was a good one wish"
It would also have another device that would work wirelessy by voice control and with voice recognition...This device would prepare our dinners on command and clean the house when its sensorial "things" detect some dust or dirt in the house.. the "Wiitits" would wash our clothes and iron them..
[size=xx-large]Whaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt... ohhhhhhh Noooooooo!!!! it was only a Dream!!!! [/size]
See you to the next good post thanks hockeyhero for this nice topic