Nintendo 64: Online Play


New Member
Jesusdragon737 said:
gamelover15 said:
There are other people who wait for a full 4 person FFA, though, it can get annoying as it can take awhile. You can also get desynch with the other person. It happens, but not often.

I've played on it before, but not recently because of SSBM. It was fun while it lasted, though, if you don't want to get own, learn to R-cancel x.x

I haven't really learned how to L-cancel at all, yet I can still win a high % of the games I play on Kaillera.

Well, it does depend on who you play. If you're doing a one on one fight, L-canceling does affect the match. And, there are players on there who use L-canceling to do 0% to death combos.

It just depends on who you play...