Nintendos best-selling games


Active Member
Rasande Bävern said:
adea187 said:
red steel is a great game
its ok...

I thought Red Steel was an average game. It was a good first person shooter, and took advantage of the Wii remote well, but did not have enough motivation in the game to keep you playing for long.


New Member
i thought red steel was a good game for when the wii came out but now their are better 1st person shooters like MoHH2 and also better sword fighting games :)
+ it didnt have online :p and the split screen was lacking
lu1g1 said:
i thought red steel was a good game for when the wii came out but now their are better 1st person shooters like MoHH2 and also better sword fighting games :)
+ it didnt have online :p and the split screen was lacking
lol yeah :) it was ok then but now :D


New Member
I never completed it, the sword fighting was to hard. I dont think it deserves to sell over a milion. Resident Evil 4 deserves to though


New Member
gunners-4-life said:
sharp141 said:
ive completed redsteel, then ive not played it since

why dont you sell the game off and get another one?

im planning to but im waiting till after christmas so i know which games i have then i know wich one i dont hav e that i really want


New Member
yer judging by the huge amount of posts on the brawl topic on wiipros everyone will get it when it comes out and it will sell a lot! I wonder how many galaxy has sold.

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