ode to herb


New Member
My White Owl's are burning kinda s l o w.

On the flavor tip I'm partial to pineapple and peach. The rest just try too hard.

Here's a couple of additions to the weird things I've smoked in list:

1. notebook paper
2. checkbook deposit slip
3. Coke can with holes punched in it
4. Emphysema [this badass black homemade bong built from vacuum parts, a water bottle, a can of hairspray and some black paint]

eggs - why's it make you sick? Bad experience?

I've smoked some fuzzy weed before too - I think we called it "the fuzz".


New Member
Yeah, I have done the notebook paper joint myself, and also these:
1) made a bowl out of a cucmber
2)made a bowl out of an apple
3)gravity bong, half a 3 liter soda bottle, plus a 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off. fill 3liter with water, place 2liter top in there, added a bong bowl to the side of the 2 liter, place mouth on 2 liter top, light and push down. Shit hits HARD!

My friend Kyle even went as far as to empty out the tobacco out of a few cigs and pack weed in them so when the cops asked to check his pack, they all looked like cigarettes.


New Member
Edible bowls!

I've smoked outta an apple and a potato but a cucumber? This I gotta see!

And yes - the gravity bong does not fuck around.


New Member
ahh, the fruits and the can. my first was a cigarette, dump out tobaccy, add potty, and remove filter.

second time, teh can, w00t. that was with my boy that died last month tho, kind of sad, :(
*shout out*

we used to do gravity's out of the tub with Mountain Express Band in Clemson, ROFL, i saw the congo/bongo player straight pass out in the hallway after a monster toke!!! ahhhh, college.
apple bongs are fun. i actually blazed out of a shotgun bong. it's not actually a shotgun, it's a bong that has two spheres, one on top of the other. the beauty is the two spheres are also attached by two rubber tubes on either side, so when you tug on the bong it fills the bottom and top and then filters the smoke in the top sphere to the bottom one. not sure what that does exactly but it looks wicked!! the bong was about 3.5 feet tall too. used to blaze with only bc hydro, that shit is nuts!!! i heard american weed is not that good though, any thoughts?


New Member
every time i have attempted to partake in
said activities from bong to joint to bowl
and any combo of the above
i feel sick to my stomach... and if i dont get to out
soon enough i puke my fucking brains out as i have
gg 2 foot bong week of exams in college

puking brains out for 2 hours streight at 1:30 in the morning when exams start at 9am


New Member
Indelible said:
Anyone ever use a vaporizer?? Supposed to do the trick without inhaling the smoke. Only THC filled vapor...

It's kinda weird and foreign to me, but it damn sure does the trick.

A light vapor is emitted which you inhale, but the thing is you can't really feel it at all. So you naturally just wanna toke it as anything. Thing is, you get this monster vapor hit and it expands in your chest like nothing you've ever smoked before. And you feel like you'll never blow it all out.

But "they" say it's healthier. After all, smoke is smoke..


New Member
you know the athens boy knows whats up, rofl. i heard about those about 10 years ago but never seen one, of course, i hear they work like a champ.


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