Official Quarantine Mode Suggestions.



New Member
Like it has been said, stand in the corner room where the locked doors are but instead of everyone shooting at once, have one person shoot and when they need to reload, have the next person shoot. that way you dont need to worry about them jumping across while ur not shooting. Its good for huge zombie swarms.


Active Member
I usually stay in that small room with the light switch for 1-1:30 minutes, then I run around and hide somewhere and rush to the room that you can lock yourself in.

If everyone is near the manual lock room, I rush and hide and rush to the room with the broken glass.

@rocktrns, I'm certain that if there are no zombies near, it's OK to open the door. The person has to get in and lock the door within 2 seconds though.

Well Sometimes when I open the door for other peoples zombies just start coming in that why most of the time people in the locked rooms don't win.
Thats why I think once your in don't open the doors anymore because then your risking you getting infected my the zombies.