Old School Screen Shots


New Member
RaNcid said:
I dont think it will happen on the punx server, the players there are much better then the pubbers in my legend of zu server.

of course it wont tina, how can u get a score like that wen u play against me?!!

and dont mind LMS tina, he cant even play on our server. ROFL


New Member
LastManStanding said:
All I said was AWP kills are not impressive. Whats wrong with that?

once again no1 askd you for your fucking opinion ur an asshole...

and thats true u arent a cock in game ur a whiny bitch...and ur a dumbass if you think sadistic banned you because your against drugs...are you really that ignorant man...we have plenty of ppl who play here that are against drugs...they just dont present there opinions like a guy with a 2 inch penis...all you do is run your mouth... your good at it ...you kno who you remind me of now that i think about it...lmao



LastManStanding said:
No he banned me because I'm against Drugs and I guess free speach has no place here on the boards.

I wasnt being a cock in game.

LOL so its ok for you to be an asshole on our message board as long as your not acting like one on the server?This board is part of the server and your conduct here reflects on you just like it does there.
And for the record i could give 2 shits how you feel about drugs,I do however give a shit about you cramming your opinion down everyone else's throat.
You manage to give the impression that your opinion is the only valid one and that anyone who disagrees is a scumbag.And that if thats your opinion thats fine,but the rest of us dont have to listen to it anymore than you listen to ours.


New Member
LOL. You guys are sad. I'm an asshole because I speak my mind? Thats awesome. I'm an asshole because I believe in the law? Thats even better. Like I said many times. You take everything I say the wrong way. You don't hear what I say or how I say it. You just read it and automatically think I'm being an asshole. I'm just being blunt.

I'm really glad that you guys are acting like adults. Makes you look really cool.


New Member
hmmmm well let me ask you this jackass there is alot i mean alot of ppl that play on hear i am one of then and i have agreat time watching them rip you a new ass hole i also think your an asshole you come on there forums and start being a prick for one i have not seen you that much so there for you must be a newer person and secondly before one can be a prick one must make some friends in that clan to somewhat back you up im still working on that and then i will be my self a prick and be blunt so and so forth so take that as some input from me and again your an asshole. i dont do drungs and nor do i care if ppl do drugs do i like laws fuck no laws are to be broken asshole thats why they were made. there is allways some hippy tree hugger and im sorry if that offends anyone but thats what this asshole is im out before i get my self banned for telling you your an asshole


New Member

Skully, idiot, you were never part of this conversation or any other conversation about LMS prior so mind your business.

Dilly, buddy, if you want to dis people, send it PM, were kind of sick of hearing you bitch about this guy.

Yea he whined alot but geez.

LMS, you know you pretty much not getting back in which is unfortunate but man, move on, please.



New Member
DS even though people are mad at me. I'm not mad at them. I like everyone here. Even dilla. I didn't ask to get unbanned. I havent' even tried to get on the server.

I just like to come and see what everyone is doing.

I hope you are all doing well.
