Old Story


New Member
Don't ask me what this is about. I did wrote this, but I can't remember when, where or why I wrote this. When I see the the name of 'Dalaran', it is probably something I had to write for someone, since I don't like to write about the Warcraft Universe. But it has been quite some time since I wrote it and I don't know about any grammar mistakes, I don't even know what it is about anymore, but I guess it'll live this forum up a bit while I'm busy with two other stories.

Enjoy it and tell me what it is about in a nuttshell afterwards. =)

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Xahib, once a great man in the world of magic, but normal magic is not always enough to the mortal man. Which mage does not dream of immortality? Immortality, and the time to study their spells. Spells to no end. Yes, such is only a dream, a dream which was never able to come true. Xahib knew, someday, all this studying in magic and the aracane lore, would be waste. What would it be useful for? Nothing, actually...

Slowely Xahib, enhabitent of Dalaran lost his motivation for the studying of the aracane. Knowing that on a day it would be a waste. He could see his friends being slaughtered by orcs and the same as in the opposite, what could he care? People need to die someday. As time passed, Xahib lost more motivation until he just abruptly stopped. he took his books and other things he was in need of and left to leave to a place which he refused to share with others. A place, secret of others, a place where he wouldn't be disturbed. People called him "crazy", he didn't know what he was doing anymore. Since the plagues started to come around the Northen parts, (Warcraft III ROC) everyone has been acting a bit weird, it was only a matter of time before someone would lose their mind. People thoughts were that Xahib was the first to lose it, but in opposite, Xahib was still very sane. He still knew exactly what he was doing and had no intention of coming back before he achieved what he wanted.

By staying on the place where he was, which remains unknown, he knew nothing about the invasion of Lordaeron and the plague of the Scourge. Not to mention anything about the Burning Legion on the way to the summit of the mountain with the World Tree on top of it. Something which would shake the entire world would something would have gone wrong. But Xahib knew nothing of it, he was too occupied in his study. By always studying behind closed doors, he knew little about the Warlocks of the Horde and nothing about the Necromancers of the Undead. He was never told either, because Xahib was someone who refused to be disturbed while he was studying, but also, since he was always studying he never made much of friends. People quickly lost interest in the mage and left him alone to rot in whatever he was doing. Xahib was on his own, and slowely he started researchign new spells which were never explained in the books he took with him.

As Xahib returned to his traveling state he was surprised to find high amounts of corpses and no living thing at all. No human, no animal, no orc and not to mention, not a single light in the wide area. Just, quiet and that was it. But was Xahib dissapoined to find lack of life? No, not at all, Xahib felt himself blessed and studied more while making use of the corpses.

After a long time, a small smile crossed the face of Xahib as he finally was able to let a corpse move on it's own again. It stood up, it walked, it even spoke. Nothing which could be translated in human language, but it could make sound. Without Xahib even knowing it, he researched Necromancy which was never explained in the books he knew, nor that he knew anything about it regarding his study. Xahib was truly blessed when he learned that he was able to let the dead rise again. But as he rejoiched he could do that, he was also wondering why his people and the orcs were slaughtered. Did the orcs became so savage that they broke through our defenses? No, impossible.

As Xahib traveled through with about 2 bodies walking with him, loyal as they was, with no unsummon state. The one with a Scythe and the other carrying a large Axe really posses a treat to those who dares to stand in his way... but who dares? The world looked abandonded. It was so quiet that you couldn't even hear a bird. As Xahib continued he found nothing more then destruction on his path. Even words written in blood on walls saying something like "Arthas, the betrayer". Of course, there were always people who hated Arthas, but to do it in blood? Yes, well, they probably had their reasons.

As Xahib continued he found not only more bodies, but also his enviorment was dying. Plants which died while he walked by them and trees which were falling apart. Not to mention the earth ripping from each other. Strange as it was, Xahib was only a few miles away from Dalaran where his destination lies. As Xahib neared Dalaran it was as if he walked through the twisted nether. It was horrible, darkness surounded him, even his 2 corpses which were near skeletons felt uncomfrontable even though they have no feelings.

Finally, Xahib reached Dalaran. The large foretress which once stood there was gone. It was completely demolished. Nothing was alive and nothing was near it. But now, once after weeks of time, he finally heard a voice. Something was being spoken, he could not hear what, but it was clear that someone was talking. As he neared the fallen foretress he saw a creature of at least the 1 1/2 of a human, a man, with wings, blood red wings, claws, sharp enough to cut through stone and a tongue that could slice through bricks. Yes, those were the creatures he read about, that was a Dreadlord!

The creature turned around, watching the man straight in the eyes. But he was showing, was no hate, as a matter of fact, the expression that was directed to the man, was friendly. As skeletons and ghouls neared the man, the 2 skeletons around him started to protect him, using their weapons as shields. "Halt!" the creature screamed as he came closer and watched the man in the eyes. A man like you, summoned these skeletons? The creature asked, clearly showing interest in the skeletons. Xahib took no notice of it and used the chance of summoning a small horde of them. In the hope that they'd protect him. "Amusing!" the Dreadlord screamed as he summoned a horde of bats flying at his skeletons, destroying them on impact. "Who are you?!" Xahib asked the Dreadlord, clearly showing fear, seeing as his strongest spell, was dispelled. "Azalab! Proud ex-member of the Burning Legion!" the creature, Dreadlord, named Azalab called out, clearly praising his pride of being an "ex" member. Xahib bended his head a bit, asking, "Burning Legion?". The Dreadlord regained his old personallity, an arrogant unkind reaction with "Yes, the Burning Legion, the Legion which was here to consume this world, for our lord!". As the Dreadlord and Xahib conversed with each other, Xahib learned about the Necromancy, the Scourge and the Burning Legion. Yes, Xahib missed a lot. Azalab's cult was a losse one from the Burning Legion and losse from the Scourge. Something he directed himself, something he made by himself with no help from others.

This was the power Xahib was searching.

Nowadays, Azalab and Xahib are working together. Azalab, lost his honour by being kicked out of the Burning Legion, his intention is revenge as Xahib's intention remains pure power. A combination of an incredible might, with 2 different intentions, they both know one of them will be killed at the end of their campaign. Their work is not finished until both of them are satisfied. As they reign free over the forgotten lands, only a small harbor city remains free, a place which is yet to be attacked. They are already working hard to leave, but maybe they are already too late. How far is the corruption going?

No good, no bad, no right, no wrong. Their choices.


New Member
Did you even read the comments before the story started? I said that I am not sure when, how or why I wrote this story. As far as I could be concerned, the story is two years old. I really don't have any influence about the length of it.


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