I've been a legalization advocate since before I started smoking. Restricting a plant for political or moral reasons is illogical. I'm going to quote LMS from when he was trying to make an argument, and not just falming, and answer his questions. Someone else has too, but here it is.
"I'm against it and will always be. I'm a tax payer and people who sell it are breaking more than 1 law."
If you legalize the use of a substance, you take a million criminals and make them law-abiding citizens. I pay taxes, and would support taxing marijuana to. Think of the billions in tax revenue that would generate. Oh yeah, and don't engage in oral sex. Illegal in some states...
"Most people that sell it are selling other drugs."
Again, make it legal.
"Starting to smoke it more than likely well get you to do other drugs. Even if it's once."
Why not start earlier. With caffeine. A common stimulant, and everyone who does harder drugs started with caffeine. Or milk. Hey, everyone who ever moved on to harder drugs ate chocolate. Lets ban chocolate, and noone will do harder drugs. BTW, never done cocaine, heroin, crack, meth. Not interested.
"If you have to carry a gun to do your job and you're not Police or the Military than you are a bad guy. I have no room in my world for bad guys. We drop bombs on bad guys."
Legalize. Surprising what that will do to gun carrying drug dealers. Most potheads I've known don't do guns. And BTW, we drop bombs on good guys too. Not a good rationale.
"You can't tell me it good for you and you can't tell me that it's ok to drive after you do it."
Since when did everything that is bad for you become illegal? Morphine, the downgraded version of heroin and pretty nasty by itself, more legal than pot. Alchohol, cigarettes, prescription pain medication, junk food. Not any better for you. And BTW, advocating legalization isn't the same as saying 'go ahead, drink and drive'. Don't use prescription pain medication or alchohol before driving either. Both legal.
"For me smoking weed is not like downloading a song. People lose their lives because because of weed. Anything that is this dangerous should never be legal. Not even for terminally ill people."
Downloading a song. illegal. That makes you a bad guy. Watch out, they're going to be dropping bombs on you. People lose their lives because of weed? Start walking, because tens of thousands die from driving cars. Hundreds die from swimming, from beathing toxic fumes, from arteries exploding with mcdonalds. Number of people ever killed by marijuana OD=0. Zero. None. Not saying some people haven't gotten cancer, not saying it's not addictive. Jogging can be addictive, sex can be addictive. The internet can be addictive. And I don't want any of these made illegal, either.
What marijuana prohibition has caused.
It creates a vast criminal empire, where legitimate business should exist.
It creates an income source for bad guys. Death squads in columbia, and...oh yeah...guys like the taliban make their money because opium prices are overinflated from prohibition, making it a cash cow.
Puts millions of people into the black market.
Vastly increases the use of said substance.
What hemp(industrial cannabis) can do for you.
Makes food, fiber and fuel. They legalized it during WWII, for industry. The parachute and rigging that saved young George Bush I when his plane went down were mostly made from hemp. Henry Ford created a car in the 30's that was made and run mostly from Hemp and flax. Hemp can make paper, and grows much faster than trees. Marijuana has proven effective as a medicine to treat some glaucoma and help aids and cancer patients eat (anti nausient).
Moral reasons why marijuana should be legal.
If I'm not harming someone else, or infringing upon their rights, then I should be able to do it in the privacy of my own home. At the very least.
So what I'm trying to say is, while I don't think it'll happen soon, it should and will be legal. Just a matter of time.
-Tal Shar