


New Member
lol, they are fun to throw at ppl, i mean.... small animals, shit no... ahhh, wood, thats good

*man i almost blew my cover of being a ninja, phew*
DiLLa said:
do it sad u have nothing better to do..! you sure as hell aint at work heh

The digital card reader shit the bed so i need to get a new one or scan it on the machine at wally world so i can make a cd there...I'll take some picks of the rounds i'm using to so you can see the crazy shit im shooting...people's eye's tend to get real big when the see a .300 win mag for the first time...get a pretty good reaction out of the .44 mags too.

As far as the work thing goes no im not,shit i have a paid vacation till at least monday at which point I to have another appointment and they decide if i can back then.Got quite a scare while i was in there too...The doctor looked at it told me she thought it was a blood clot :shock: not a pulled muscle like i thought it was.They sent me out for a sonagram and found no blood clot thankfully and she said that was the worst pulled muscle she had ever seen.

Edited cause painkillers cause silly typos