yea, good idea. here are some things going through my head:
1. how many peeps at any given time will be here.
2. how many will be underage.
3. are we adults getting fucked up or kids getting fucked up and wrecking shit.
4. #3 is important because i already have a place that could hold over 50
peeps if we are nice to the owner/property(aka, dont fuck shit up).
5. would peeps want to bring their own chair, or do i just get a shitload of
folding chairs along with the tables.
6. #3/#4 does NOT rule out jager, coors light, or smoldering furniture
at some point during the weekend.
7. Food? Water? Air? if we are in the woods, this is an issue, if it is in the
spot i might already have, its not an issue.
8. hardware: 1 switch? 2? ethernet cable, what else? still, do we need interweb
9. ( . Y . )