New Member
ForteFZ said:i just saw a few pics of how Tea-Gee-Ess (you know what im talking about) has apparently been cut off from hosting and paypal is now rejecting them, so i decided to go and see, and they were true:
"Well, our hosting cut us off and we are awaiting response from them.
They shut us down, though the reason is unknown and we are making all inquiries into what is deemed illegal or a violation of the hosting agreement.
There will not be hack updates or payment gateways (to pay for vip) up for a while, and at the present time we are not giving out extensions (wait for that).
Thanks for reading."
"We ran into some paypal troubles,
we might be accepting different methods of payment soon,
because PayPal does not "choose to do business with us anymore"
In any case, we are pretty boned.
I will report back when we have an answer.
edit: for those who paid and your vip disappeared , pm me on IRC"
so thats a good thing. maybe our complaints worked after all! and so, i decided to look around, and saw this..
"You or a friend who is not able to view the site, should come on IRC right away.
There have been no shortage of attacks to the TGS server lately, and ive blacklisted IP addresses that make too many connections.
If you can not load the site, but some one you know can load it
(or if your friend can not load the site)
come on IRC and get it fixed right away!"
Apparently, alot of people have been repeatedly Net-busting these sites by repetitively refreshing the page in an attempt to overload its bandwith. pinging and DOS atacking tooso, im not reccomending this but if you really want to rub in teh fact of how hackers will never win, you can go and bandwith pwn the hacking sites for fun (or until they IP lock you). put your finger clicking skils over 9000!
Hackers are NOT > 9000. cause in soviet russia, 9000 is > Hacker!
if some1 can writeup a preformed email to paypal thanking them and including a list of hack sites using paypal, we can spread it around and have thousands of people email it, I think it will make a big difference
paypal has already shown they are willing to stand on the side of integrity, so lets focus on them instead of web hosting companies for hack sites that turn a blind eye
ps: sites like gameanarchy that sells vip's i know for a fact gives you bf2, cod4, cod5, fear1, and combat arms hacks all with 1 vip purchase... so its not just CA thats at stake here
so when we get this setup we can spam all sorts of forums telling ppl to email them