Pictures from Italy.


New Member
Here's a few pictures I took, I actually took around 300. I went to Italy with my minor (Adapted Physical Activity), I work with people with intellectual, emotional, and physical disabilities, usually intellectual. We went to Torino to see some of the Paralympics, which for those of you who don't know, are basically the Olympics for people with physical disabilities and are in no way related to Special Olympics. The paralympics has athletes with amputations, visual impairments/blind, cerebral palsy, etc. We were in Torino for the Opening Ceremonies which were sold out, not even the Olympics sold out and I was one of the 12 of 39 people of our group that go to go. We saw two event, Alpine Skiing and Sledge hockey. The athletes use the same courses/arenas as the Olympics.


New Member
Pictures of Vatican City. The first picture is of a ceiling in one of the Vatican Museums, the ceiling looks sculpted but in reality they are actually flat paintings. Most awing experience of my life and even if you are not Catholic you should still go to Vatican City, the architecture, artwork, and history behind the city is staggering.


New Member
nice picts man. makes the bunny proud to know that i know a man willing to sacrifice some of his energy for those that are less fortunate but just as human as others.


New Member
Awesome pics, I especially like the "illegal pic" of the Sistene Chapel, well played. Eventually I would love to go to some parts of Europe to be able to soak in the great art and history there.


New Member

great pics man, im jealous and want to go back so bad. missed italy and germany, just a reason to return tho.


New Member
awesome picutures mang !!!
why is that an illeagle picture of teh sisteen ?
tehy dont let u take pictures of it ?
and if not then why the fuck not ?
share it wif teh w0rld !!