Yeah, you keep your experience and rank but loose all of your kills / deaths. To me it isnt really worth it, most people I know who have got their KD cleared have gone right back to where they were. Unless they were really bad when they first started to play CA. I personaly would like to see them get rid of KDR on your in game profile but still have it displayed on the Nexon site, it creates too much of an in game ego.
of course im not retarded! i do it secured. and most people dont even report publicly. i really want to lvl up anyway. i mean cmon, its for a limited time. the sand hog glitch usually never gets reported and thats usually the thing that you might think will get reported. it really is fast, 5-10 percent per match.
Heres a good thing , tell em your gonna power level , when u start tell him to free then take screenshot quit game send it to nexon and u get $$$ , i once did that to one of my friends as a joke before i dint knew of the certain ticketing could get u demoted , well he erased me from friend list and well wqhenever he sees mehe tries to kick my butt with the sniper
30 minutes of hitting a teammate with a shovel?
You actually DO that?
That's like rubbing a cheesegrater against your forehead for half an hour. You're insane.
It's been patched.. I think it's absolutely retarded. I did it once and never did it again, gaining experience without actually gaining skill..
This is what I think of Power Leveling.
\Well I liked it for a while. I mean IT'S VERY tempting with the new patch out and my next rank it get so many weps.
So you never got bored waitig like 10 mis shooting at a wall