Prime Minister’s Office responds to Manhunt 2 petition
"The Prime Minister’s Office has actually responded to the Manhunt 2 petition that has been floating around. You can see the response below.
The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) considers all works - whether film, video or game - submitted to it against a set of guidelines (available on its website - The guidelines take into account the law and also public opinion. This means that the guidelines can and do change periodically, reflecting changing public opinion.
The BBFC considered Manhunt 2 and concluded that, within the current guidelines, it could not be given a classification. The BBFC takes its responsibilities very seriously and it uses its powers to reject works extremely rarely. Details can be found on its website.
There is an appeals procedure which the game’s producers are apparently pursuing.
The Government is satisfied with the BBFC’s procedure and with the provisions for appeal, and will not be intervening in this process.
The Government has recently announced a review aimed at helping parents ensure that their children are protected from exposure to inappropriate material in games. This is not intended to restrict the choice of material available to adults." Link
"The Prime Minister’s Office has actually responded to the Manhunt 2 petition that has been floating around. You can see the response below.
The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) considers all works - whether film, video or game - submitted to it against a set of guidelines (available on its website - The guidelines take into account the law and also public opinion. This means that the guidelines can and do change periodically, reflecting changing public opinion.
The BBFC considered Manhunt 2 and concluded that, within the current guidelines, it could not be given a classification. The BBFC takes its responsibilities very seriously and it uses its powers to reject works extremely rarely. Details can be found on its website.
There is an appeals procedure which the game’s producers are apparently pursuing.
The Government is satisfied with the BBFC’s procedure and with the provisions for appeal, and will not be intervening in this process.
The Government has recently announced a review aimed at helping parents ensure that their children are protected from exposure to inappropriate material in games. This is not intended to restrict the choice of material available to adults." Link