

New Member
My name's Christina. I go by Tina. I'm 20. (21 in july) I've always been a video game kid because I took after my older brother. I started programming in Qbasic when I was 8 years old and it went from that to smuggling my dad's floppy of lesiure suit larry and getting busted by my mom for telling him to "fuck the hooker". Years after that a friend introduced me to CS 1.3 and rainbow six. Soon I was spending all night playing CS and sleeping in high school. I've been to college 3 times so far. I don't know what direction I want to take my life so I'm trying to travel and see the world hoping I find something I'm passionate about. I tell everyone I'm a lesbian who inquires about my sexuality but I really don't know. I just think it's easier to be with girls while I'm trying to figure myself out.


New Member
haha funny shit i playd that first too! still confused huh?? so go find u a guy you think is really good lookin get naked in the bed with him and see if the friend downstairs agrees with that...cuz god knows the body knows best!!
hope ya stick around here for awhile...i enjoyed hangn with u :)

we gotta do it again soon
If I was a chick I would be gay, guys tongues are too rough, and suckin dick is for fags. I droped out of high school did my GED and tried college 2 times, Im not a book lerned kind of guy, My 2nd year selling cars paied 59k and I woulda hit 120 by now, you can make money without a degree, just keep it real, and remember, its not what you do to pay the bills that matters, but how you do it.


New Member
rancid, i have been with many chicks, and have been good friends with hundreds. No one can tell you what/who you are. You do what you think is nessesary, all i have to say is if you find men attractive, you need to find the right one, cause i know men can be cocksuckinhobags (sorry for the hating fellas). I beleive there is a person out there for everyone....GL


Jacob PR

New Member
LOL... NT anyway Hades!! yea i think that there is a person out there for everyone too... and some more before that person... but everyone learn from their mistakes so... good luck... She's a big Girl and she knows how to live her life, u think she sell her body? she merely sell her time, she is not Cinderella, she's no waitin'for no prince to save her, in fact she's doing just fine and on and on! ROFL...:wink: nah just kidding, nice to meet u Tina...

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