Quarintine Guide: Map Overdose Survive as a Human


New Member
I'm really pissed by all the noobs I have to play with in zombie mode that just gets infected because of their noobish actions and then turns around and infects everyone else. But seriously, if you're a human, you need to keep a distance of at least 5 feet away from the zombies because those zombies actually have a pretty big melee arc. Some noobs just get too close and the zombies just grabs them. If you're on human team, head up to the office and get as many teammates as you can but don't crowd up. Put at least 2 machine gunners facing each of the directions, and have them crouched so more people can stand behind them and still be able to see and shoot. Then besides the machine gunner and the person standing next to him, get two more ppl to get on the desks facing each direction. Make sure the machine gunners or whoever's closest to outside doesn't get too far out to where a zombie can just grab them in mid air, keep at least 4 feet of space from the gunner and the edge of the office if you can, that's very important. And last but DEFINITELY not least, time your shots, don't just shoot a zombie on sight, it's still near impossible to destroy the zombies with bullets, so what you're trying to do is get through that armored door and lock the zombies out. What you'll have to do in order to survive until the end would be to make the zombies fall off the broken parts on the ledges again and again. Don't try to push the zombies back with bullets if theres no broken parts behind them that they can fall through, you'll just be wasting bullets that way. The zombies can crouch and minimize the push back effect from the bullets, but they cant jump while crouched, so your best shot is to back up into office as far as u can and wait until the zombie jumps in midair and is right above the broken part of the ledge. Again, you're trying to make them fall and keep them out of the office, not trying to kill them. Even if they do land on the edge of the office floor, back urself to the wall and go full blast to push the bastard out. MAKE SURE U KEEP UR DISTANCE!!! especially when ur in the locked room and near the window, I've seen noobs get too close and just get grabbed from the outside, then just infects everyone.


New Member
Or do it the extreme way, get machine guns with extended clips and all the people you can into the vents, plant AS MANY LANDMINES AS POSSIBLE, on both ends of your extreme commandos pack, make sure if you plant a landmine, get over to the other end of the pack, so in case it blows up u dont loose that much health at all or risk getting killed. Stand just behind the mines, use the mines as a last defense barrier between you and the charging zombies. You'll need SERIOUS machine gunners at the ends of the line, get a flamethrower in there too if you can. camping in the vent has its hard parts and its easy parts, but it really demands team work. DO NOT LET UR TEAMMATES ON THE OTHER END OF THE LINE DOWN BY LETTING URSELF GET INFECTED OR LETTING ANY OF THE ZOMBIES PAST YOU!!!

Elite SEAL

Dude WTF the zombies DOESNT NEED ANY TIPS!!! They pawn the humans 90% of the time when they dont even try.

......LOL triple posts haha.:D

exactly. I have been able to kill zombies -not by myself of course -but because of many people pouring lead, explosives, fire, gas -and they are just easier to kill now.

Just try to group up pretty much anywhere -as long as you have like at least 4 -5 other people with you.


New Member
Quarintine Guide: Map Overdose

It's all about co-op and team work. Sometimes, if your lucky, you can have a zombie on your side, who can stand still blocking the others from you. You can even shoot through a gap in their arm, leg. You can create a human wall of guns, alternate your firing, and keep zombies/a zombie at bay. .

That's considered as Powerleveling , which may result in derank.