

New Member
Upon coming online on MSN, a classmate (or friend, if you prefer) immediately attacked me by talking to me. Nothing outside of the ordinary, but his first question was if I knew about a game called 'Rappelz.' My name crossed his mind upon playing it because I once told him that I mostly played RPG's. Upon him mentioning the name of the RPG, I immediately did a quick search on Google, only to surprise myself with the found he made.


It is not surprising I never heard of the MMORPG before as it was released in November 2006, which was barely a month ago. Those who would have followed the game when it was first mentioned or just kept an eye on the developers probably heard of it before though. But of course, that counts for the full game. Just like many other things I hold interest to (stories, music, radio, anime, games), I rarely recommend games unless they completely blow me away, which only a handful are able. (Stories it would be 'Tomboy', music it would be 'Bryan Adams (yet I rarely recommend him)', radio it would be 'Edwin Evers', anime it would be 'Monster' and games, well, I don't really recommend recently released games).

Besides that, I have no particular liking towards MMORPG's, partly because they tend to bore me quickly, but also because my computer can't handle most of them. The 'Golf' MMORPG was a pleasant surprise, however and I still have a small liking towards it, despite that I hold no interest (at all) to Golf. There is one thing that that Golf MMORPG has in common with Rappelz at first glance. Both are free and possible to download... the BETA stages, that is. But according to the words of others, the BETA doesn't limit (too) much. Of course, without saying, it's an open-BETA. What does surprise me however is that there has been an announcement of the closing of the open BETA, yet the person I spoke to is still playing it. My guess would be that it is still active. The open BETA was officially launched on October 2, 2006 with two seperate servers available. These servers names were the following: 'Tortus,' the normal server, and 'Pantera,' the more PvP/PK-oriented server.


The game has had some very good ratings from several sites and even got numerous of good comments. Some of those are the following:
Rappelz offers 3D graphics and game play similar to the big boys of retail-bought MMOs like Lineage 2, Final Fantasy XI, and Guild Wars. Sporting graphics similar to those games is amazing since most free MMOs don't even come close. In fact, Rappelz may be the best looking free MMO period right now.
Which sounds to me as a promising game. As if that comment wasn't enough to convince most, several features that were announced are possible to grab necessary attention.
The game also boasts a fairly extensive pet system that offers many features including a unique summoning class devoted to pets, pets that can be captured and bought in stores, and various pet abilities that can aid you in different situations. Simply put, Rappelz can offer a great free MMO experience if you can download the games giant-sized client.

What might be one of the most promising parts of the game for me is that it would be free. I am a greedy bastard and don't like to spend money for something as trivial as a game, but I am always willing to listen to something free. Especially a game of this stature. The game has beautiful 3D graphics and has some familiar features that would ring bells at specific other games. Every race would have its own theme and home city, players that can customize their skills and three classes, melee and magic being two of those. What might ring a bell at some is that it also has a very detailed pet system, which makes me think a bit about Pokemon, except that Pokemon was mostly focused on a very young audience. Even those who would originally dislike Pokemon would have a hard time to deny that the concept had tremendous potential, but it was never used because of the poor audience. My hope is that this game will lurk from the same concept but do draw all potential out of it.

One of the other (honest) comments would be the following:
Comment: This is officially the best free MMORPG there is. Trust me, I have played a lot of other ones and this game blows them all away. It feels like I am playing a major pay-to-play MMO when I play it and it is only in beta for crying out loud!

Pros: Great graphics, especially on a high end machine (the best I have ever seen in a free MMO), stable game play (minimal lag), friendly community, easy to learn, and fun.

Cons: Not very many character customization and class options, unoriginal and repetitive.

Bottom line: This game is the best looking and best playing free MMO out there.

All in all, the game looks to have a future.


I am hoping that others on this forum have heard of this game before I did and able to give even more information about it. Until only a few minutes ago, I never even heard of the game before but I would surely not regret looking it up.
The only down side of this would be is that it is likely that my computer cannot handle this. However, the person who recommended this to me is playing it on the lowest setting, which is going smoothly for him. The most remarkable is, is that his computer is equal, if not worse than mine; meaning that I should be able to play it as well.. and when I can do it, I believe most of you should be able to as well, as I have quite a poor computer, which is starting to get a bit ancient (and now officially experiencing serious problems).

With a quick search on google, you'll easily find a download link to get the game from. If you don't want to bother, I have a link clean and ready for you at the bottom of the thread.

As for a bit of my own opinion, despite the gorgeous graphics, it remains a MMORPG, which I usually don't play because of the repeating process over and over again. That is usually the problem for MMORPG's when it comes to me. According to comments, Rappelz has nothing which seperates it from other MMORPG's, except it being free of course. However, I am sure I will download it quite soon and try to play it. Especially now I am waiting for a patch for an other game. My best wishes to everyone who is going to try it.




New Member
i will get it after the beta, i wouldnt want to try it only to find out i cant play it later, but i will keep an eye on. it looks great

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