rate sig/avi please?



New Member
It morphed from a game into a forum chat. :S

sig: 6/10, not really much to say about it
avi: 7/10 its good, not perfect but still better than some.


New Member
I guess I'll join in... :p
Avatar 7/10 It's fuzzy, nice unit though.
Sig 4/10 Practically non-existant and the Midevil Sniping isn't that great..


New Member
Yes i dont have any real signature at all, i requested squishy to make one but as he said not all requested sigs will be made, so im signature-less. And the midevil sniping thing is there so others know that im part of that too... at least trying to be, as the game wont start on my comp.

Undead Lives:
Avi: 6.5/10, took a screenshot from wc3 with frostmourne Arthas, then cut it with a program(could be even Paint :p). Though my avi was made the same way so i think i shouldnt really complain that much.
Signature: 9/10, awesome SkriK's work there, and good choice of colors for the text.


New Member
Now this is an interesting game.

Avatar- 6/10- spiffy robot... i guess
Sig- 7/10. Not overly interesting, but does have a link to that "How evil are you" thing, which I found rather intriguing .


New Member
I must try and make myself a signature someday.

Avi: 7/10, nothing really interesting in it but its not plain like some.
Sig: 8/10, over average signature.

Note about my avi: its my favorite unit from WH40K(maybe except the Avatar), i couldnt resist to put the Dreadnaught as my avatar.

Strange... Avatar as an avatar. Ill have to try that.
A mod please delete those first 50 billion posts - we have enough games - we don't need more spam -_-'

Avatar: 5/10: Nothing good and yet nothing bad. It is an avatar.

Signature: 5/10: Nothing significant, just mostly text and a small link picture thingy to go to the MES thing..

EDIT: The title for this thread is very specific. At least you could've called it the "Rate the Avatar/Sig" thread.


New Member

avi: 5/10 one that came with wc3 anvil i like origanal stuff :p
signiture: 7/10 pretty cool good placment and stuff

also i out of the games i've seen there has been 3 word game and my little game since i've been here and my littel games isnt very specific either at least i said it was a game :p not just !!!zomg!!!


New Member
Hm but you could at least rename it Alekill, to make it more specific than just "a game".
Also, calm down Hunter, those first posts don't matter, this IS the off-topic discussions after all..

Avatar-7/10 Not too special, kinda fuzzy but kinda cool as well
Sig-8/10 it's quite nice.


New Member
Avatar: 4/10 Pretty plain, and i've never like Arthas anyway... except for his armor after he's undead, lol
Sig:10000/10 AURON RULES ALL!!!

just kidding, i'll give it 9/10. Really cool (especially since Auron's my favorite ff10 character), but would be 10/10 if it was of him doing something... too many portrait pictures these days :p


New Member
well how about you tell me what to rename it and i will rename it
tenebrea, Avi: 8/10 it sort of looks like tidus and cloud's faces put together and their heaps good people of FF games (and a movie :p)
Sig: 9/10 SkriK's art owns all but would of been 10 if you made it only becauses your using someone elses art from this site :p