Raw Annihilation Recruiting Thread


New Member
Brand new level 1 clan looking for fully legit players. Already have clan emblem and eight members.

Clan recq.= Fulfil at least one of the criteria below

Rank of sergeant or hihger
KDR of .75 or higher
Have private invitation

Clan rules
have fun!
No glitching/hacking
Attend clan matches if requested while online
Respect other clan members and fellow combatarms players

We will be giving private invites on most saturdays and sundays on Echo channel 7
room name=Raw Annihilation REcruiting

PLease post here if interested (post rank,kdr and type of play eg. sniper or spray etc.)

(sorry about all the info, the leader made me do it. Im an admin so i can invite you.


New Member
I would love to join!
I'm a trainee right now, because I'm trying for a account with a 1.00 kdr,
but I had a sergeant kdr 0.73

Name- OKillerO
Rank- Trainee
Days Played-Friday,Saturday,Sunday(holidays)
Type of Play-Uzi spraying OR M25 sniping


New Member
Rank: SGT - I think... Haven't checked recently..
KD: 0.99
Style: What ever you want, I'm new to CA but I've played SF for a while (So good single fire and other AR techniques. Also good at sniping, especially in SF, so good here also ;))

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