Red Steel - WiiPros Official Thread



New Member
Decent game, was fun most of the time but the sword fighting parts slowed the action down alot.

@ jm2k - Isn't Red Steel 2 already confirmed?


New Member
The sword fights where the only boring thing in the game, but if they improve the sword fights and some other stuff for Red Steel 2, could Red Steel 2 become a really great game ^_^


New Member
Well actually I remember Ubisoft announcing that they were making a Red Steel 2 but after seeing what was said in that link....thats made my day worse...


Ryano said:
Well actually I remember Ubisoft announcing that they were making a Red Steel 2 but after seeing what was said in that link....thats made my day worse...

There was a rumour that is was being made. It started off with "Ubisoft has a job posting on their France website." link here

But was all baloney! :big_boss:


New Member
Rented this from Tesco and sadly wasn't impressed at all. I don't know if perhaps I'm just spoiled with high-end PC FPS games, but it seemed quite out-of-date and clunky.

The control system didn't feel very intuitive to me at all. The graphics were sub-par and the dialogue was corny as heck.

Obviously some people enjoyed it, and I'm pleased they did. It just didn't hit the spot for me.