

New Member
I'm only closed minded on this one subject because I truly believe it goes against the laws of nature. Don't try to convince me otherwise, I'm as stubborn as they come.


New Member
How do humans reproduce? Male and Female. The ONLY way. If everyone was homosexual then the human race would die off. So it's not natural, then it must be a choice.

I disagree im perfectly fine with homosexuals im not homosexual yet i know many people who are they are perfectly normal people with great personalitys. Anyway one there is a way for the human race to reproduce female-female its called sperm donation banks.And two the human race should die off we are to corupted by greed and sin, and we are a disasterious race that destroys nature,and i believe it is unaturual to destroy nature therefore all humans are not natural and therefore we must have chosen to be human..i think not we were not give the choice. Anyways if you knew a homsexual and they happened to be your best friend and all of a suddent hey say they are homosexual are you just gonna repell them like they are a freak of nature. Your just acting like the goverenment who is agaisnt same sex marriages(Canada or America or both). And bringing the Catholic church into play they say you should be with your life partner who shall care for you through sickness till death and you do the same for them.


New Member
Yes but if God only created a man and a women then where did everyone else on the earth come from if Adam and Eve only had cain and Abel who were both killed. Face it Undead there is nothing wrong with homosexuals.


New Member
Ok, I'm out of this arguement now, as bringing religion into it makes it impossible to get to any sort of reasonable answer, and it's your choice to believe, and it's not my right to make you think otherwise if you don't want to. However, though this is not applicable to this instance, it is the right of one to ensure that others' beliefs do not infringe on one's own.

Anyway, thanks for the compliments on my post.


New Member
Actually, I will add one small thing:

If the god you speak of intended for only a man and woman to mate, why in hell are scientists finding that homosexuality can be caused by genetics? In your belief system, does not god create each individual, forming their genetics? If so, then if it was not his will, then why would people be genetically inclined to be homosexual? Following your line of thinking, it is then god's will that there be homosexuals. If you want to justify genetic homosexuality another way, you must then sacrifice intelligent design and embrace evolution.

Thus, it is either god's will, or a genetic mutation.

In case anyone is wondering, I'm atheist/agnostic. The reason why I am both is that I leave a small chance for a god, or gods, similar to the titans of WC. Anyway, I am a creature of immense reason (not trying to brag or sound arrogant, however, my reasoning IQ comes close to rivaling that of Einstein), and insert reason into a neutral point of view, and thus am not victim to any sort of partisanship. My religion is reason. My political party is reason.


New Member
Lol i find this funny im atheist except maybe regarding the greek gods but that another matter.Anyway I think i believe im in the same religion as Terran reason. I can use a wide variety of things in order to get my point across people find me annoying for that.I believe i wold make a good lawer.Sorry for going off topic but if Cain and Abel had sisters how would they reproduce by insist?And Abel committed suicide after he killed his brother. I have run out of points for the time being.

Also good point Terran.


New Member
Thanks Viper, I'm full of them ;)

Actually, if I really wanted to, I actually do have the power to make everyone here into an atheist/agnostic simply through effective statement of facts, however, as I've noted before, it is not my right to do so unless the person is willing to hear the truth. Should they be unwilling, it's not my place to burst their bubble. More or less, it's like Santa Clause. I've always found it rather odd though how you can form Satan from the letters of Santa... (and that was totally OT, xD)


New Member
well when it comes to homosexuality, i dont realliy care if you're straight or gay but if you're are gay its cool n all just dont try and get me involved
God created a Man and a Woman. Not two men or two women. That's why I believe what I believe.

Lets go with this - even though I am NOT religious.

God as Viper stated - created Adam and Eve. Who were siblings.
And how did they create children? Only one way.
Siblings having babies? NOT NATURAL!
Yay more arguments.

Now don't bring relgion into this. It can't prove anything.


New Member
As I've noted before, it really makes no difference. As if one does bring religion into it, one must accept that the god he believes in meant for there to be homosexuals. The only way around that is to accept evolution, and by accepting evolution one puts oneself on the start of the path towards reason, which ultimately will reach the conclusion that one cannot simply hate homosexuals for absolutely no reason.

So, as I've said before. One has the choice to either dismiss homosexuals as god's will, or one must embrace evolution and logic. It's really that simple.