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Connect With your DS and Battle..
Developer: Genius Sonority
Publisher: Nintendo
Release dates: US: 6/25/07 UK: 12/7/07
Genre: RPG
Modes: Single Player, Multiplayer, Online Battle
Rating: ESRB: E PEGI: 7+??
Platforms: Wii
Input: Wiimote, Nintendo DS w/ Pokemon: Diamond/Pearl.

The game features eleven different colosseums, each with special changes to normal play or prerequisites and a Colosseum Leader. Six out of the ten Colosseum Leaders wear Pokémon costumes; for example, Marina of the Waterfall Colosseum wears a Kyogre costume, Taylor from the Main Street Colosseum wears a Pachirisu suit, Rosie from the Neon Colosseum wears a Roserade suit, and Terrel from the Magma Colosseum wears a Groudon suit. Also, the Crystal Colosseum can hold up to 16 players, the battles are done in a 16 person tournament mode. The Gateway Colosseum is only open to a rental pass holder. As the player progresses, the Pokémon available to rent become more powerful. Also as the player progresses they will earn Poké-Coupons, the money in Pokémon Battle Revolution. The player can then further customize his/her character.
Along with the connectivity to the Nintendo DS games, a player can win Pokémon from this game and transfer them back to their DS games. This feature allows players to obtain Pokémon that are either hard or impossible to get without using a cheat device. An example would be the Pikachu that the player wins as an award for beating the game. This Pikachu knows the moves "Volt Tackle" and "Surf", attacks which are otherwise impossible to have at the same time, because Volt Tackle can only be obtained through breeding, and Pikachu is not otherwise able to learn Surf. Other Pokémon obtainable this way are Magmortar and Electivire (The earlier stages of these Pokémon need to be traded while holding extremely rare items, magmarizer and electrizer respectively). These Pokémon each require a special code to be entered before you can gain the ability to download them, although the codes are not yet being disclosed to the public. Along with the ability to download Pokémon onto a copy of Diamond or Pearl, players can purchase items like certain Technical Machines, used to artificially teach a Pokémon new moves, and evolution items.
Players can fully customize their trainer to use on Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, customizing their characters with hats, shirts, glasses, other items, and even their character's skin color. A trainer can choose 6 Pokémon and get a Battle Pass known as a Rental Pass. However, if Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl is connected, a player can upload their trained Pokémon and get a Custom Pass.
Concept: 5
Graphics: 9.2
Sound: 7
Playability: 5
Entertaiment: 2.2
Replay Value: Moderately Low
Overall Score: 4 -Horrible
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