Rippin' Rocket vs Thor's Turbojet


New Member
When will the masks be available?

I want mask and jetpack. Only dunno how to get them yet.
No magazines in my country and ive got nothing left to trade ><


New Member
BFH is unfair -.-'
in germany were the codes just for 1 month
so i didnt got any rippin rocket or thors turbojet codes
But i love the thors thurbojet helmet and mask ^^


New Member
i got most of the rippin rocket set so far, waiting for the holster and chest tomorrow, but from the screenshots of Goodman ive seen, anyone thought the mask was abit "Bug-eyed" ?


murpo said:
Rippin' Rocket vs Thor's Turbojet are 2 Exclusive Items for the UK and Germany which you get if you buy the magazine.

I could purchase the magazine and put the codes on here as a competition?

I could keep the codes for my own use?

I could buy more then one magazine / multiple codes?
Unfortunately I live in North America so getting codes is outta the question for me :(

But probably Rippin' Rocket.

But yeah I like Option 1 and and 3.


New Member
Unfortunatly my parents are against buying gaming magazines because the reviews etc can all be found on the internet so im going to end up missing out of the thor turbojet stuff so option 1 and 3 sound really good