Riverside Rush? what do people think?



New Member
I dont like it...we dont have any cover when you go from the national side to the royal side...the majority of the times you try you get killed by a sniper...so better solution stay in your base lol...

Hari Seldon

Slartibartfast said:
I think it was not needed - we have much better inf maps - VV, CC.

Not Needed!! Ooh, i am shocked, we need as many maps as we can get. They should release a BF map pack or something, to reward the people who have splashed out with that little bit extra...

In terms of RR itself, i like it, contrary to what i first thought. i have an 11-1 win ratio so far! the map is different, its a border between vehicle and infantry. Here snipers get more kills, but they also get killed more so its swings and roundabouts.


New Member
I think it is a good map now its out officaialy as Riverside Rush and provides good all round action but perhaps it does need just a little something


RR is my second favourite map. It goes like this from best to worst.

VV - Superb map with tight battles
RR - Trenches are always a bonus. To spaced out for my liking
CC - Not bad map. Any infantry map gets a thumbs up from me
BB - The ship is a nice idea. Tanks spamming shots at town sucks hard.
SS - Why even bother make this map?! Oh yeah planes!


New Member
KingRick said:
I kinda like it, but it needs something special.

Like the church in VV.


in costal clash the Windmill,seaside skirmish the big house (dont remember the word lol) and in bb the boat!


Seaside lighthouse ;) But the map is already out. I doubt they would take it back for work. Prehaps they wanted the trenches as the landmark of the mpa. Even though they pee me off.