

New Member
Country -- Warheads

United States -- 10,455
Russia -- 8,400
China -- 400
France -- 350
Israel* -- 250
United Kingdom -- 200
India** -- 65
Pakistan** -- 40
North Korea*** -- 8

TOTAL -- 20,168

* Israel has a policy called "nuclear opacity" or "nuclear ambiguity," which consists of refusing to confirm or deny that it has nuclear weapons at all. In 1986, however, whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear weapons worker, published pictures of nuclear weapons facilities in Israel. Today, experts agree that Israel has between 100 and 300 warheads (and Israel doesn't deny it).

** India and Pakistan both admit (boast?) that they have weapons, but are cagey about how many. Estimates for India run from 40 to 90 and for Pakistan from 30 to 50.

*** North Korea is anybody's guess. At the end of 2003, U.S. intelligence experts were surmising it had three bombs, but four months later they tentatively raised their estimate to eight. They also said North Korea is geared up to build about six bombs a year from here on out.

In short, there are now some 20,000 fully operational nukes pointed at someone in this world.'s_Nuclear_Weapons.html?GT1=4244


New Member
isreal will step in and drop a couple of gifts in iran that will slow production. mainly i say this because iran wants nothing more but to kill all jews in hitler like sort of way.
i dont think the usa will HAVE to step in, and if isreal doesnt try and help its self, then this would be the kind of thing to lead to their demise.
yes, iran is just trying to "make some energy" wich is exactly why they have already said there will be no U.N. inspections. i mena even the french are taking a stand, when the hell does that happen? lols