WTS: Selling Steam Account with CSGO and more good games ... for a good price


New Member
Hello Dear USERS!

Looking to sell my own account with CSGO also with Dead Island: Epidemic, Farcry 4 Gold Edition, Saints Row The Third, Sniper Elite v2, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Multiplayer.

Here is some screens of the steam account :

- http://prntscr.com/68v0kt
- http://prntscr.com/68v07p

On CSGO is 2719 hours played. With a DMG Rank ( sherif )

- never cheated or something like this!

Why iam selling this account? ..

Ending with CSGO and also dont have time for playin cause of gim, work etc.

Price is : 25€ Paypal ( or we can agree on a better price )

so if youre interrested just pm me or add me on skype ( boris.frajer1 )

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