Selling steam, Origin, Gw2, battlenet accounts


New Member
Hey guys finally came to conclusion I've been gaming too much in thepast couple of years and may low for a bit... So I'm looking to part with all my pc games for now. On Origin I have Bf3, SWtor, Need for speed shift 2, mass effect 3. On Battlenet I have SC2, Wow, Diablo 3 with a decent monk(paragon level 12). I have Tera as well as Gw2. On steam I have 61 games(mainly a best of for the past two years. All cod's, cs go, fallout 3, mass effect 1&2, the stalker series, total war empire&shogun, borderlands 1&2, sleeping dogs, both batman games, witcher 2, lfd2, gta 4 complete, far cry 2, arma 2,metro, civ 5 and many more. In no hurry to sell so give me a good offer. Complete package only thanks


New Member
IM looking for 300$ Paypal... You're looking at all the blizzard games, guild wars 2, and many more on steam. A great list of most of the best games released in the past there years. Pm or post

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