I have to say, I'm not a QotD fanatic, but sometimes it's funny to read. Especially because it's real
The only problem I have with the Quote of the Day is that I am not shedding light on some things I prefer to keep behind closed doors. When such a thing is necessary, you'll quickly notice that I just don't update it that day. Besides that, I am thinking of changing it a little bit by changing the words behind the name. It is pretty obvious that Franklin and Elianne (as example) are friends of mine; a little variation in it would be nice too, I guess. Especially for the people that are constantly in my QotD (Franklin managed to get in three times in a row).
Lol most annoying famous
. Anyway, Mr van Liepen doesn't get your quote often?... Lol?
Mr van Liepen? Do you mean Mr Wessel van Diepen? If so, then that could be quite logical. He used to be the Radio DJ of the Dutch Top 40 (and a lot more, but I only listened to that) on the radio. He retired a little while ago though and I haven't heard much of him since. A little funny fact about him though: I started to respect him after he retired. Simply because I never noticed how darn good he was until he left. Obviously, I wasn't the only one who thought that way. Even his colleague, Radio DJ Rick van Velthuysen admitted the same thing.
14/10/06 "Now that I have more wisdom, I can only say that you should have respect for someone like Wessel van Diepen. You don't have to understand someone to respect him." - Rick van Velthuysen, a radio-dj.
This doesn't completely mean that I never quoted Mr van Diepen before though. On the 13th of October I quoted him on his retirement-day - note: Wessel isn't all that old; still in his thirties, I believe - and I've done so before that. I rarely hear him since he retired though, but he certainly isn't afraid of making some kind of remark in the media as he achieved the highest you can achieve with his type of job - resulting in his early retirement.
13/10/06 "After fourteen years, you'd expect I would prepare a speech. But it didn't come to it. I do want to thank the people whom I worked with the last years. And by this, I want to give the mic. to Jeroen." - Mr Wessel van Diepen
That was the first (and only) day that I quoted two people at the same day (two different quotes).
"I got a present for you." - DJ Jeroen Nieuwenhuize, a rado dj, now the replacement of Van Diepen.
"Your dick?" - Van Diepen
*people laughing*
"Wow! It really is as big as people say it to be!"
Actually, at one time, at another site, I used to have a Wisdom of the Day. Unfortunately I gave that up....well no one's interested in that anyways
If you are intending to get that back, then I warn you, Undead, it is a pain to update something daily. It wouldn't be a first time that I forget to update it, simply because I don't feel like it or that it just slipped my mind. The document on my computer that saves all quotes is updated daily though. I can recall every day and quote perfectly.
On a last note of the Quote of the Day, if people are curious of what
exactly happened during that day (the little description beneath it doesn't always clear the situation up; "Die!" from Franklin, a while ago, was related to a long story about a 'toy' and his hostility towards another person; it was impossible to describe in a few lines) feel free to ask. With an exception every now and then, I am more than willing to clear all quotes up at any time. Though when I block out the name of the person ("n/a") it often means that I am not going to say a thing about it... or it just means that I don't know the name - when I block out a name in a funny situation, I just don't know the name of the person.
23/06/06 "I'm sure Edwin can explain what 'gay' means." - n/a, a side kick of a radio DJ.
That is a good example of it. Despite my (unhealthy) love towards a specific radio dj, I have a hard time figuring out who his side kicks are because their voices are very similar - yet completely different personality-wise.
Oh, more thing about the QotD. The document which saves it all has more Quotes than is shown here. Because of a situation last year, I decided to save more Quotes instead of just one. The one that is updated in the signature of the forum is either a random pick or which I thought would be more fitting. In the past the 'serious' quotes always got through, no matter how funny the non-serious quotes are. (This still counts for the Quote of the Month and Quote of the Year) Today it the decision between:
"My phone is being threatened with extinction!" - Wagener, a very chaotic teacher.
"We got the time... tell us your story." - Talisa, a friend.
The first one got through as the second one might be less interested because it is related to a chain reaction of things. She was referring to my love-life.
Uh... yeah.