I looked at the files I got for the competition and these are the words it can understand right now:
"Hello", "Hi", "Hey", "Yo", "Howdy", "hi de ho", "Bonjour", "Hola", "Ola", "Bye", "C ya", "See ya", "Laters", "See you later", "What are", "What is", "What's", "Whats", "How are", "How is", "Hows", "How's", "Where are", "Where is", "Where's", "Who is", "Who's", "Who are", "What's up", "Whats up", "Sup", "Not much", "Reading", "Coding", "Thank you", "Thank you very much", "Thanks", "Thanks a lot", "Thx", "No problem", "No problemo", "Yes", "No", "Technically, Yes!", "Sometimes", "Usually not", "Yeah", "Yeap", "Not really", "Sorry but I don't understand, re-phrase please.", "Is he", "Is it", "Is she", "Are you", "Are we", "Are they"
Words the Bot Takes as an Insult
"You are stupid", "Stupid Bot", "Idiot bot", "You suck", "I hate you", "Shut up", "Get Out", "You are an idiot", "Youre an idiot", "You're an idiot", "You're stupid", "Shut up"
Words the Bot Takes as Praise :/
"You are pretty cool","You are so cool", "You are so awesome", "You are very nice", "You are so nice", "You are cool", "You are awesome", "You are nice", "You are intelligent", "You are NOT well coded"
I just wanted to post this for the people having trouble with the bot in its current, idiotic state.