ShOvElMaStEr says hey


New Member
Hey! I'm Australian, 13y/o, and my ingame nick is ShOvElMaStEr. If any of you see me ingame, just gimme a shout :D

Favourite Weps:
G.I. Shovel
UMP :)p)

Least favourite
G36 (UGH)

Unlike many other people, I am usually found in the EM rooms except in rooms with the elite moderator "Kum0ny0f4c3" (abuser)

Hope I'm accepted here,



New Member
Thanks for a warm welcome guys (and girl :p)

I admit, rather shamefully, that I am a bunnyhopping shotgun nub. Though It looks like MooCowMan is one too :p

I'm afraid machine guns are highly underestimated in this gun due to their low portability. However, with the MINIMI and the K3 SPW this is minimized and in spy hunt, nothing crushes a spy like a machine gun.

I have no clan,but would join a suitable legit clan.

I have only ever bought 5000 NX for a ninjato, and am regretting that already due to the shovel being much better :(

Just today, I was in a game PACKED FULL of G36E nubs. This only further reinforces my hatred of the G36E on Combat Arms, and would like to go as far to COMPLETELY REMOVE it from this game.

I know my last comment is going to draw a lot of criticism, but I'm ready to take it.
