

New Member
Well i figured i might as well jump on the bandwagon and tell y'all a little about myself, cause i know you're all anxiously awaiting to dwell into my oh so spectacular lifestyle of drugs, sex with socks (perv told me about this), etc.

The name's Nav (curry knows it short for anything like navinderdeep, navinderpal, navjinderfinder, etc), i'm 26 (man i feel old, i wonder what you old farts feel like!) born and raised in Toronto, Canada (note: in Mississauga which is in the burbs). Like Perv and Tony i've had my feel for various educational backgrounds, nothing quite peeked my interest...well from what i can remember, 2nd and 3rd year uni is all a blur. Had my taste of Elect Eng, Comp Sci, although i have to say i never flunked out, it was never as interesting as i thought it would be. I found my home in the business world (B.Comm) was always a business minded foolio. Currently working as a Financial Analyst (note thats analyst all together not ANAL-yst) for North America's Oldest Retail Chain, Hudson's Bay Company (HBC- or Horny Bastards Clique as i like to call it). I've been playing CS for a couple years now. Like Tony and Perv we use to hit the 1.6 and earlier servers back in our high days at uni.

On my off time i like embelish myself with hockey, soccer, football...playing cz, and eating spicy foods and farting in people's cars in the middle of winter.
I can attest to the "farting in peoples cars in winter" you stinky bastard!! And what's this shit about "..back in our high days..." making it sound like you don't blaze anymore...PFFT!!! Fucker called me up this weekend, "Yo Tony, let's blaze man" Anyways, glad to see you on here.


New Member
Well well, if it isn't Mr. Slippery Spliffs. Yeah, don't come up in here with a name like that and try to tell me the "high days" have passed sir, I DON"T BELIEVE IT FOR A SECOND! :lol:

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